The ACADEMIC DAY: The school day begins
at 8:20 and ends at 2:50
Breakfast will be available to all students
from 8:00 a.m. to 8:20 a.m. It will be served in the Lunchroom.
Students will not be allowed up their Homeroom until
8:15 a.m. Students are required to report to their Homeroom by 8:20 a.m. sharp in order to be marked on time.
Absences - On any day when a student is going to be
absent from school their parent should notify the school between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. As a part of Hudson Honors security
system, the whereabouts of all students will be verified at 11:00 a.m. Students may not report their own absence.
Lateness - Arrival at school after 8:20
a.m. will be considered LATE.
Lunch - Eating outside of the buildng is an 8th grade
privilege only.
General Conduct - Orderly behavior in the hallways,
stairs and classrooms is expected as well as respect for the school environment.
Hats - Hats are not permitted in school at any time.
Electronics - Only walkman s are permitted at lunch
and recess only. No exceptions!
Dress Code - Boys: Collared schirts to be tucked
in with belts. Turtlenecks are accepted as substitute for collared shirt (with collared shirt underneath). Sweaters
may be worn over collared shirt. Khakhi pants with belt in beige,blakc or blue. Only Docket/Khaki pants allowed.
Khaki shorts to knee length okay. Sneakers or any rubber soled shoe permitted.
Dress Code - Girls: Skirts loose fitting, worn
on waist with belt to knee length in beige, black or blue. Shirts must be collared.